Thursday, March 31, 2011

Magascar and Rice….

Rice is the staple food of the Madagascar diet. The resourceful natives have developed literally dozens of delicious preparatory techniques for this plentiful grain. But the Malagasy diet is a varied one and heaping mounds of rice are usually topped with zebu, an excellent local beef, chicken, crab, fish, corn, peanuts and potatoes.
When in Madagascar you’ll be urged to try the national snack,

 Koba – a pate of rice, banana and peanut..
Watch this video and learn this easy-to-do recipe..Koba:


Because it’s also nutritious and economical, rice is being hailed as "the pasta of the ‘90s." Its rising popularity in the West coincides with an increasing number of types and varieties being marketed.
Well-stocked supermarkets and natural foods stores now offer over a dozen distinct kinds of rice, from short grain sweet brown to aromatics such as basmati or jasmine.
Go to this interesting video on Rice, Pasta and Cuscus

Rice, Pasta and Couscous

Be seen at the biggest rice exhibition in the Gulf region. Visit our website

For details contact me on

Rissotto and Risi…the Italian way

Morning friends…more interesting facts on rice…

Italians are simply cool…business, culture and life in full, but one hasn’t touched much without exploring Italian cuisine.

Italy is the leading producer of rice in Europe, with majority of it being grown in the abundant Po river valley. Lombardy is home to the best rice growing area, the Lomellina, while Piedmonte and the Veneto also have bountiful rice harvest.

Let us look what personal chef Anna Mooney has to say about cooking risotto@

Want to participate in the upcoming Rice Exhibition in Dubai ? Contact our Italian agent Ms. Anna Maria Tiozzo at 00393319931533 or email at

Rice Exhibition is the first of its kind in the Gulf region and it is your opportunity to showcase your unique rice brand at the upcoming rice exhibition. 

Go to our website and follow me on the blog.


The attributes that have long attracted Asians to this grain are now becoming better known to Westerners. 

Fans of rice cite its ease of preparation, its flexibility, and its ability to absorb flavors while retaining its texture. Rice dishes can be spicy or tangy, savoury or sweet. Rice soaks up gravies and rice sauces and cools and refreshes the palate when served with spicy food. Baked with milk and sugar, rice transforms itself into one of the western world’s best-loved creamy puddings.

Rice has no fat, no salt and no sugar but many important nutrients. Little wonder then that many of the world’s finest dishes have been based around it.

Be seen at the biggest rice exhibition in the Gulf region. 
Visit our website
For details contact me on

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A meal without rice is no meal

Daily I search for something new on rice and as I sat googling away.. spotted a website that said much…just sharing with u…did u know rice is arguably the world’s motst important food. 
Second most widely cultivated cereal in the world, after whear, and is a staple food, for over half the world’s population. 
In much of Asia, rice is so central, to the culture that the word is almost synonymous with food. 
In Chinese, the line in the Lord’s prayer is translated as ‘give us this day, our daily rice,” and a Japanese proverbs states “ A meal without rice is no meal”.

Elizabeth Percy
PR & Corporate Communications Manager

United Arab Emirates - top global re-exporter

Recent studies conducted in the United Arab Emirates has revealed that the United Arab Emirates has been the top global re-exporter of rice over the past five years (2005 to 2009). The study which was conducted by Abdel Hameed Radwan, an Economic Specialist at the Ministry’s Analysis and Information Department, revealed that the UAE’s share of global rice re-exports stood at 93% underlining the country’s strategic importance in the global rice trade – due to it being situated in a pivotal point between international production, export and consumption areas in South East Asia and the rest of the world – and further underscoring the competitiveness of the UAE’s logistical services and the ease of customs procedures as factors that have helped the UAE attain this significant position in the rice trade.

The study also revealed that the value of rice re-exported from the UAE increased from USD 122 million in 2005 ( 84% of overall global rice re-exports) to USD 519 million which constituted 93% of the overall amount of global rice re-exports of 607,000 tons that were valued at USD 555 million.

Elizabeth Percy
PR & Corporate Communications Manager

In times of calamity...

Rice is one of the main commodities which is given as aid to countries in times of calamity. To sustain the victims of the recent earthquake in Japan, USD 5 million worth of rice was sent as aid from Thailand, the largest producer of rice.

Elizabeth Percy

PR & Corporate Communications Manager 

Monday, March 28, 2011

3 billion people around the globe live on rice

Over 3 billion people around the globe live on rice and to make it possible to meet the demand in each country, the major exporting nations of the world are Thailand, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Guyana, Egypt, Burma, United States of America, Australia, thus meeting a market demand of over 2,047.9 million metric tones.

Elizabeth Percy
PR & Corporate Communications Manager